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Food & Bkaery Equipment
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Kraf Foods
Michel's Bakery (USA)
KinhDo (Vienam)
Hup Seng (Malayias)
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and so on .......
KBI Food Machinery Co., Ltd.
No 1. Lane 267 Ho Ping Road,
Tantze, Taichung, 42746 Taiwan
Email: service@kbi.com.tw
Horizontal Mixer
-SIngle Sigma Arm Mixer
KBI Mixer can make your products reach high quality!Designed to mix Crackers, Rotary and Hard Biscuit Dough, Cookie Dough, Dog Biscuits, Pie Dough, Animal Feeds, Corn Tortillas, Buttermilk Biscuits, Stiff Fillings, Chocolate, BagelHM120, HM200, HM300 Horizontal MIxer (SIgma Arm)
*Heavy Duty Construction - Long lasting
*Stainless Steel double skinned bowl with water channels insides -- Long lasting
*Water Jacket - Water cooling & warming to control dough temperature
*Gear Reliability - Long lasting
*Superior Shaft seal design - Long lasting
*Dough Thermometer - Get the precise temperature of dough
*Hydraulic Tilt System - Easy Operation
*Electronic timer control - Let you set the mixer for automatic shift from first to second speed
*Complete stainless Z-shaped (Sigma) agitator and shaft.Mixing Wire cut dough, Rotary cookie dough, Soft Biscuit, Hard Biscuit, Semi-hard Biscuit, Stiff Fillings, Danish, Health food bars, Animal feeds
Double Sigma Arm Horizontal Mixer (Creamer) is also avaliableContact Louis!
© 2018