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S6 tabletop Spiral dough Mixer
/ variable speedS6 can give you good quality dough. You can easily make the bread as good as Bakery Shop.
-1/2HP 375w - Power Saving
-110V voltage - Easy to use at home
- 6-liter stainless steel mixing bowl
- Size: 45 cm long, 30 cm wide, 45 cm high
- Weight: 30 kg
*The maximum amount of 1.5~2 kg flour (range can be stirred a little more due to high water content )
*The minimum amount is 300 grams of flour
- about 3kg of dough
-40% of the water content to the top of the clone
-Stainless steel mixing bowl
-keep the dough cool
-advantage of variable speed
*able to mix wider range of bread dough
- using low-speed mixing to slow down the dough temperature rising in summer, or high-speed mixing in winter to cut the mixing time.
*higher hydration dough can be made.
- using low-speed mixing to reach high water absorption in flour
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